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Free download a quick guide to getting started with homeschooling and unschooling by Beverley Paine The Educating Parent in this excellent Resource Directory


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Plan, record and report all in the one document! Always Learning Books planners available in each year level to suit your homeschooling needs, includes curriculum checklists
Let Beverley and friends help you design and write your own curriculum to suit your child's individual learning needs, learn how to prepare lessons, unit studies and more, record and evaluate your children's learning in this series of 3 parent workbooks developed on Beverley's popular homeschool manual Getting Started with Home School Practical Considerations
this Always Learning Year 7 Plan is everything you need to get started a comprehensive collection of curriculum aligned resources and links to activities, lesson plans and unit studies for your year 7 homeschooling student
Introduction to
Home Education
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Support Groups
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Parent Workbooks
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Phone Apps to Turn Your iPhone into the Ultimate Personal Library

by guest columnist Caroline Ross

also published on Accredited Online Universities

iPhone users have access to the best personalized library right at their fingertips with the invention of Kindle for iPhone and other book readers. Forget the plastic library card and the hassle of remembering to return the books to the public library. Download the newest bestseller instead of wasting your gas driving all over town to find it in the bookstores.

There's something to be said about the weight of a book in your hand and the feel of the pages, but iPhone apps now give you an option. In this list of 75 iPhone applications, you'll find reference books, fiction, nonfiction, audio books and book readers to outfit your new digital library.

References, Dictionaries and Resources
  • Google Mobile App - Googling is the way of the Internet. It's only natural you should have it on your iPhone to look up information in a snap.
  • FreeSaurus - Need a better word for free? You can find one with this free thesaurus app and never run out of synonyms.
  • Free Translator - If you ever find yourself in a foreign country where you don't speak the language, this app can help you out. Type is a word or phrase and let this app translate it into a different language.
  • Wikipedia Mobile - Wikipedia is like the Internet's changeable encyclopedia. Most of the time, you'll find credible information on a subject from Wikipedia and learn a lot in a short amount of time about the subject. This app is free and great if you really need to look up a relatively extensive subject on the go.
  • Dictionary.com - A free dictionary app. It doesn't get much more strait forward than this.
  • Constitution for iPhone - You'll know your rights; especially if you've got the U.S. Constitution on your iPhone.
  • Street Lingo: Urban Dictionary Search - Parents can download this Street Lingo app to figure out what their kids are saying. C'mon all the cool parents are doing it.
  • Grammar Guide - Perfect grammar is imperative on resumes, cover letters, applications and other important forms that lend first impressions. Don't be making no mistakes no more on your forms with the Grammar Guide.
  • The World Factbook - The World Factbook is not only interesting to browse, but it can make you a global trivia master. Go on tell your friends about the capital of Montenegro.
  • Multilingual Dictionary - A multilingual dictionary is just about as important as a multilingual translator. If you plan a trip to a foreign country, download this app before you go.
  • The National Archives - Can't get to the National Archives in London? Download this free app and browse through some of the most popular and important images from the museum itself without having to jump across the pond.
  • Quotationary - Find a great quote for a card or look up who said, "To be or not to be" on the Quotationary app. You can't beat the random quote feature to infuse your brain with thoughtful ponderings everyday for $1.99.
Random Tidbits for a Well-Rounded iPhone Libary
  • Phobias - Learn a little bit about psychology with the Phobias app. The 99 cent application has an index of phobias listed with their technical names like alektorophobia, or the fear of chickens.
  • Stupid Laws - It would surprise you how many states have really dumb laws. Share this app's stupid laws with your buddies and have a good laugh at what the law comes up with sometimes.
  • Harvest: Select the Best Produce - Pick your fruit when it's at its peak during the year with the Harvest app. It lets you know when specific fruits and vegetables are in season so you'll have a fridge full of nothing less than perfectly ripe produce.
  • Gratitude Journal - Add your own book to your personal library by using the Gratitude Journal. Oprah touts that this app changed her life according to the app description. Record what you are thankful for each day in the journal and you won't dwell on the day's blah moments.
  • All the Countries - Your high school teachers would be impressed after you play around on this app. Learn everything from a country's flag, currency, largest cities, religion, population, languages, economy, literacy, government and ethnicity.
Book Volumes, Collections and Classics
  • Touch Bible Loaded - The Touch Bible Loaded app is an easy to use, searchable King James Version Bible with over 60,000 study notes to enhance Bible study time. The $4.99 app is a bit pricey, but is worth the plunge if your enjoy having a portable daily Bible study available at all times. 
  • Free Books: 23,469 Classics - Read all the classic books your brain can handle with this app: 23,469 free books to be exact.
  • Comics - For 99 cents, you can download a giant comic book library with over 250 different comics from genres across the board. You must be 17 or older to download this app due to mature content.
  • Wattpad: 100,000+ Books - Wattpad is a one stop application for classic and unique literature. You'll find popular novels, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, young adult fiction and classics all contributed from members of the Wattpad community.
  • Self Help Classics - Find some of the most popular books in self help, motivational speeches and essays on success by downloading this app for 99 cents. This app has a solid three and a half star rating by other users.
  • Sherlock Holmes Classics - Sherlock Holmes Classics features eight of the super sleuths classic adventures in digital form. This app is great for parents that want their kids to read classic literature without a big fuss.
  • The Canterbury Tales - This app is great for high school or college students that have The Canterbury Tales as mandatory class reading. You can read from your iPhone anytime, anywhere so you won't have any excuses for not finishing the reading!
  • The Odyssey by Homer - The Odyssey by Homer is a Greek classic that many college students will eventually find on a syllabus. Avoid the full book price and download this app book.
  • Audiobook: Huckleberry Finn - Listen to this classic novel on your iPhone while you are on the go or parents can hand it over to their children to entertain them on the spot.
  • B.C. Comics Vol. 1 - Download the first volume of B.C. Comics by Johnny Hart on prehistoric times. You'll be reading funnies on your iPhone dating as far back as 1958.
  • Holy Bible: KJV - A classic, easy to read King James Version of the Bible available for iPhone and iTouch users.
  • The Jane Austen Collection - Ladies will love this app of Jane Austen works.
  • Mystery Classics - If you like mystery novels, this app is for you. Mystery Classics features eight classic fictional mysteries: The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart, The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe, The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie, The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens, The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie, The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan and Trent's Last Case by E.C. Bentley.
  • The Edgar Allan Poe Collection - For 99 cents, you can download the most popular poems and short stories by American gothic author Edgar Allan Poe.
  • The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain - This classic tale is available as an application for Mark Twain fans for $3.99.
  • Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens - Make Oliver Twist part of your iPhone library for $1.99.
  • The Iliad by Homer - The Iliad is also a Greek epic that many college students will have to read over the course of their education. Buy the app instead of the book for $1.99 to save a couple of bucks and precious backpack space.
  • The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne - For $1.99, you can add this 1850 American classic novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne to your expanding iPhone library.
  • Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare - Any lady will love to read this famous play on her iPhone. Download it for $1.99.
  • Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen - This Jane Austen classic will take readers through the lives of the Dashwood sisters for $1.99.
Tools for Reading Books and Researching on Your Personal iPhone Library
  • Kindle for iPhone - The newest e-Book reader is available for iPhone for free. Download Kindle for iPhone and you can buy books from iTunes and Amazon to read anytime, anywhere.
  • B&N eReader - The B&N eReader from Barnes and Noble bookstore can be downloaded for free and features loads of bestsellers available for sale straight from the app.
  • B&N Bookstore - Download the B&N Bookstore to go along with your B&N eReader to have bestselling books and many, many other books from different genres ready to load onto your iPhone so you'll never be without a good read.
  • Book Shelf LT - Get access to thousands of e-books and download up to 10 at a time for reading on your iPhone.
  • Book Search - Find any book online by searching its title, author, ISNB number or by keyword with the Book Search app for free.
  • Audiobook Player: 2,300 Free Books - Gain access to 2,300 audio books and podcasts by downloading Audiobook Player for only 99 cents.
  • Bookmark - Save your place while you're listening to audio books on your iPhone with this handy bookmarking app. Take notes, skip ahead or rewind your audio book too for only $1.99.
  • PDF Reader Pro - This app allows iPhone and iTouch users to access any PDF file and read it with ease for 99 cents.
  • Pro RSS Reader - Keep up with your favorite online news, blogs and RSS feeds with this reader made for offline use on your iPhone.
News on Your iPhone

Now that you have a starter list for the ultimate personal iPhone library, you can add more of your favorite books and resources to jam pack oodles of knowledge into one handheld device. Don't worry you can always add and remove your apps if you get low on iPhone space to make room for all your applications and other iPhone goodies.

Caroline Ross is a freelance writer for several education and career websites, including AccreditedOnlineUniversities.com . In order to inspire and inform people about the importance of education and seeking your calling in life, Caroline writes many articles about preparing for college, career planning and getting the right training for a job.

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Beverley Paine with her children, and their home educated children, relaxing at home.

Together with the support of my family, my aim is to help parents educate their children in stress-free, nurturing environments. In addition to building and maintaing this website, I continue to create and manage local and national home educating networks, help to organise conferences and camps, as well as write for, edit and produce newsletters, resource directories and magazines. I am an active supporter of national, state, regional and local home education groups.

"You've been an inspiration to me, I love the way
you really listen to people."

"Whenever I read your writing I always come away
with increased confidence in my ability to provide and
share a wonderful learning journey with my family!"

"Your guidance, understanding, support and words of
wisdom changed our lives. We now offer support and
organise many homeschooling events for others."

"Thank you once again for your prompt and friendly service.
I am convinced that your books are going to add
quality and peace of mind to my journey of teaching my kids
at home! Just from studying your website, until almost
2am in the morning, I 've been encouraged!"

"Thank you for all your many,many reassuring words
over many, many years. You probably don't know exactly how valuable you are to the Australian Home Education community. I've been reading your stuff for maybe 8 years or more now. And I'm very grateful."

image is 3 workbooks for parents set on a background showing bushland, DIY home ed curriculum planning, recording, evaluating, write your own curriculum
Want to learn how to write your own education plans
to suit your unique children's individual learning needs?

Or you are looking for quality curriculum and teaching tips...

Comprehensive 3 workbook 'how to home ed' course
covering the essential skills you need
successfully home educate your children



Welcome to the World of Home Education
and Learning without School!

We began educating our children in 1985, when our eldest was five. In truth, we had helped them learn what they need to learn since they were born. I am a passionate advocate of allowing children to learn unhindered by unnecessary stress and competition, meeting developmental needs in ways that suit their individual learning styles and preferences. Ours was a homeschooling, unschooling and natural learning family! There are hundreds of articles on this site to help you build confidence as a home educating family. We hope that your home educating adventure is as satisfying as ours was! Beverley Paine


Getting Started with
Home Educating Series of


#1 Create Your
Own Curriculum

#2 DIY Lesson Plans
& Unit Studies

#3 Recording and Evaluation Made Simple

$10.00 each (includes postage)

let experienced home educators Beverley, Tamara and April walk you through HOW to create a learning plan that builds on solid foundations that works for YOUR family AND ticks all the boxes for home educaton registration with part 1 of this getting started with home educating serioes of parent workbooks, Create Your Own Curriculum!
Let experienced home educators Beverley, Tamara and April walk you through HOW to create a learning plan that builds on solid foundations that works for YOUR family AND ticks all the boxes for home educaton registration!

To see the full range of Beverley Paine's books on homeschooling, unschooling and natural learning visit Always Learning Books

Tap into Beverley's experience
through her books

"Your books, your blogs helped me beyond words... they helped me to find comfort in knowing it is ok to choose exactly what is best for my family." Nisha

"Your books and information are mind blowing and already I am feeling good about this new experience." Diane

"Your guidance, understanding, support & words of wisdom changed our lives." Leslie

"I feel specially inspired by Beverley's words and, the more I read her comments, the more inspired I feel, since my need for support, respect for different parenting styles, and information are fully met." Marijo
purchase Beverley's practical and common sense books on homeschooling and unschooling
Connect with Beverley and ask questions
through her online The Educating Parents Homeschooling and Unschooling Facebook support group

click here to become a Fearless Homeschool member giving you access to all past summit workshops as well as exciting new content and webinars, online discussion platform, and more

The information on this website is of a general nature only and is not intended as personal or professional advice. This site merges and incorporates 'Homeschool Australia' and 'Unschool Australia'.

The Educating Parent acknowledges the Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Owners, the Custodians of Australia, and pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people viewing this website.

Advertise on this site.

say goodbye to home education registration stress with this ultimate rego bundle from Fearless Homeschool

make homeschooling a lot easier, zero to homeschool's excellent course is here to help

Australia's best home education consultant, let Tamara Kidd guide and help you prepare your home education registration application or review

Twinkl downloadable Home education resources helping you teach confidently at home

Online science lessons for primary school aged home educating children

Home education is a legal alternative
to school education in Australia.
State and Territory governments are responsible
for regulating home education and have different
requirements, however home educating families
are able to develop curriculum and learning programs
to suit the individual needs of their children.

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Unschooling & Natural Learning Travelling & Home Educating Record Keeping Children's Pages

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